Full House Vote on 4 Gun Control Bills
WHAT: Full House will be voting on 4 Gun Control bills this week
WHEN: Wednesday, February 19th and Thursday, February 20th
WHICH BILLS: HB 1101, HB 1350, HB 1379 and HB 1509 (Information is below)
HB 1101, imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm! They want to make women LESS SAFE by forcing a 3 (really up to 7) day waiting period between the time of purchase of a firearm and the time of pickup of said firearm!! Law Enforcement has no duty to protect us; we must be our own first responders. This bill inhibits women’s right to self defense. This will effectively END all gun shows in New Hampshire (hurting small business) and once again, harm all law-abiding citizens!
The Criminal Justice Committee majority voted Ought to Pass. This legislation needs to be voted Inexpedient to Legislate!
HB 1350 – AN ACT requiring a locking safety device be provided for commercial firearm sales and transfers.
This legislation leaves ‘approved’ safety devices, including firearm safes, up to the NH Commissioner of Safety. Not only do most manufacturers already include locking safety devices with new firearms but for those who don’t, this legislation will increase the price of firearms, which directly affects those who can least afford them but need them the most. This leads down a very slippery slope of having very few devices approved and eventually, firearm safe ‘checks’ in your home. This legislation does nothing for safety. It’s only about control.
The Criminal Justice Committee majority voted Inexpedient to Legislate. Inexpedient to Legislate is exactly what should happen with this legislation!
HB 1379, requiring background checks for private firearms sales AND transfers. This legislation will actually make it impossible for women to get gun safety training! This legislation (the same as last year’s) will turn law-abiding citizens into criminals all while criminals continue to completely ignore existing laws! It’s the same exact California gun control legislation they have tried to pass 3 previous times and finally passed last year under the Democrat-controlled legislature. The governor VETOED it.
The Criminal Justice Committee majority voted Ought to Pass on this legislation. It needs to be voted Inexpedient to Legislate!
HB 1509 – AN ACT relative to emergency threat protection orders for individuals at post secondary educational institutions.
This is a RED FLAG LAW against College students!!!!! This is more ‘THOUGHT POLICE’ legislation that infringes upon the rights of all college students. College campuses are already known for abuses against the 1st Amendment along with sexual assault claims against students. This legislation ALLOWS for more ABUSE against college students along with confiscation of any firearms the student may own. To be clear, this will allow for the confiscation of firearms that are owned by family members as well.
The Education Committee voted 11-6 to refer this bill to an INTERIM STUDY. This bill should be voted Inexpedient To Legislate and not make its way back to ANY committee, ever. It’s THAT bad!
Please EMAIL and CALL your legislators. You can find out who they are here.
You can find the email and phone numbers for every legislator here.
Also, call the Governor at his office 271-2121 or email his office at: [email protected]
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]