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Hold the Line Rally

February 23, 2019 / NHWomen / 2nd Amendment, events

Hold the Line – Fifth Annual Gun Rights Rally

New Hampshire State House

Noon to 2:00pm

New Hampshire is one of the SAFEST STATES in the country, yet the Legislature is passing draconian gun control laws that will DISARM law-abiding citizens; make it impossible for law-abiding citizens to get GUN SAFETY training and take away rights such as DUE PROCESS along with your 2nd Amendment rights.

This is an unprecedented ATTACK on all law-abiding citizens in the State of New Hampshire, one being waged by out-of-state gun control organizations with deep pockets. One that cannot be ignored. Granite Staters MUST STAND UP and show both the legislature and the Governor that we will not back down.

The time for complacency has passed; it’s time for us to HOLD THE LINE. Join the Women’s Defense League of NH, New Hampshire 3%ers and ProGunNH as we join forces with all law-abiding citizens of New Hampshire to spread our message that we are paying attention and will NOT be turned into CRIMINALS by uneducated and ignorant legislators.


Parking is both on-street and nearby.  You can find parking details here.

Driving directions to the NH State Capitol Building are available here.

Register onsite for raffles sponsored by NH 2A supporters!