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RED ALERT: Gun Control to be Voted on by Full House

April 2, 2019 / NHWomen / 2nd Amendment, gun control

There is an important gun control vote coming up that needs your attention!!!!

Despite New Hampshire consistently being celebrated as one of the ‘SAFEST STATES in the COUNTRY,’ certain legislators want to implement legislation that is written by out-of-state gun control organizations from California and New York, funded by people like NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

This bill will be voted on THIS WEEK by the entire NH House of Representatives.

You can find your representatives here:

OR you can find the full list of NH House legislators along with their emails and phone numbers here:


HB 564, AN ACT relative to possession of firearms in safe school zones.

This bill was voted out of the Criminal Justice Committee by 12-8, along partisan political party lines.

Supporters of this bill claim it is only ‘codifying’ the Federal Gun Free School Zone Act – THEY ARE LYING.

This legislation turns all schools into BEACONS for psychopathic murderers by letting the world know Granite State schools are Gun Free Zones.

It makes your children LESS SAFE.

This legislation also VICTIMIZES those who are victims and MUST protect themselves in their daily lives, especially women.

And of course, as with all gun control, this legislation CRIMINALIZES law-abiding Granite Staters.


Let’s not forget that over 98% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones.

Supporters of the legislation ADMIT this will not stop psychopathic murderers. They ADMIT they are not keeping children safe. They KNOW this will do nothing to end Active Shooter training (which was one excuse they used to push it.)

DISARMING law-abiding citizens does NOTHING to protect the innocent, in fact, it does the very opposite.

And if your representative tells you this legislation will ALLOW teachers to be armed, THEY ARE LYING. Teachers can ALREADY be trained but the very same people pushing for Gun Free Zones are the ones running most school boards.

Call and email your representatives TODAY!