BOD Meeting
Monthly board of directors meeting. All members are welcome!! For Zoom call information, please email
Monthly board of directors meeting. All members are welcome!! For Zoom call information, please email
Monthly board of directors meeting. All members are welcome!! For Zoom call information, please email
Become a certified NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO)!!! You will learn the skills and requirements to run a range safely and be certified to be an RSO on any range, not just for the League. The Range Safety Officer (RS)) course content consists of RSO's roles and responsibilities, range standard operating procedures, range inspection and […]
When & Where Our upcoming class is on Saturday, March 29th from 8:15am (starting promptly at 8:30am) to 5:00pm. It will be held at Londonderry Fish & Game at 5 Lund Street in Litchfield. Class The NRA Basic Pistol Course is intended for all individuals regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA affiliation. This course […]
This shoot is for those members who have previously taken a New Shooters Shoot, our Basic Pistol class, or are experienced shooters. This is a member only class. You will shoot the evil Leprechaun from Baker Targets based on call outs by an instructor. It’s FUN but also helps you think before you shoot and […]
The annual Trinity Sportsment's Event!!! There are a slew of different events and booths! The League will once again have a table this year!
Monthly Board Meeting via Zoom All members are welcome and encouraged to attend! Please email for the Zoom call information
SAVE THE DATE - Our rally will be held on April 12th this year! We'll be posting more updates soon!
All ladies who are new to our League classes must first participate in our New Shooters Intro Class before qualifying for additional firearms events. We have women NRA-certified instructors and NRA-certified Range Safety Officers to provide a safe environment. The New Shooters Intro Classes are open to League members and guests. All non-members are required […]
This is for members only who have already completed our ‘New Shooters’ safety class, taken a Basic Pistol Class, or are experienced shooters. Bring your own firearm (if it’s new be sure to practice loading and racking the slide before coming to the shoot because we’ll want to verify you can do it) and ammunition […]
The REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM® Seminar teaches personal safety tips and techniques you need to avoid dangerous situations and AVOID BEING A VICTIM. The Women’s Defense League will be teaching this seminar about situational awareness so you too learn how to be safe wherever you are and Refuse to be a Victim! Safety experts […]
Pelham Fish & Game Club is hosting a gun show and the League will be there with a table! There are many vendors there. Stop by and say 'Hello', ask questions about legislation or the League, and check out the various items being sold.