REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM® Seminar teaches personal safety tips and techniques you need to avoid dangerous situations and AVOID BEING A VICTIM.
The Women’s Defense League will be teaching this seminar about situational awareness so you too can REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM.
Safety experts agree the single most important step toward ensuring your personal safety is making the conscious decision to Refuse To Be A Victim®. You stand a much better chance of preventing criminal attack if you develop a safety plan before you need it. That is why we are offering the NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® crime prevention seminar.
This is a non-firearms seminar. You will learn how to make yourself safer in your home; out in public and while traveling.
The cost of the class is $25 for League members and $30 for non-members and will be held at Renaissance Firearms in Barrington, NH.
You can register for the class here:
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
*Refund/Cancellation Policy* If The League has to cancel an event due to weather or other issues, we will gladly issue a refund if you cannot make the re-scheduled class. Any cancellations by participants are not eligible for refunds.
Watch this video to learn more!