Gun Confiscation Bill in the NH Senate
A critical gun control hearing will take place on Thursday, February 20th, at 1:45 PM in the NH Senate Judiciary Committee, Room 100 in the NH State House. The hearing will be on Senate Bill 144 – authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities.
This is the same exact bill as HB 159 just in a different chamber of the Legislature with NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s biggest ally as the sponsor.
What is SB 144?
SB 144 is a bill that claims to provide safety and protection from violently mentally ill people who may, or may not, commit a violent criminal act against others, by confiscating their firearms.
The bill was put forward last year after the tragic murder of a former Law Enforcement Officer who was working as a security guard at NH’s state psychiatric hospital in Concord. The officer was UNARMED when murdered by a violently mentally ill man. No security guards at the hospital were allowed to be armed at that time.
What does SB 144 do?
The bill requires that anyone who is involuntarily committed by the state, to state psychiatric care, must have their firearms confiscated.
Issues with SB 144
MENTAL HEALTH – Why are people who are violently mentally ill being released from a facility that is supposed to be helping them, ALL while keeping them safe, and keeping society safe from them? If someone is so violently mentally ill that there is fear they will commit acts of violence against innocent people, why the hell are they being let out TO commit those acts of violence?
**NOTE: Most mentally ill people are victims of crimes, not perpetrators of crimes**
DISCRIMINATION AGAINST GUN OWNERS – Why is it that only gun owners are being targeted in this legislation? There are many cases of mass criminal acts being committed by violently mentally ill people where firearms are not the object chosen to murder people. Why aren’t cars, knives, pressure cookers, matches or other objects also being confiscated?
CRIMINALS GET GUNS ILLEGALLY – Having gun control laws in place has never stopped a criminal from obtaining a firearm. In fact, a U.S. Department of Justice report from 2016 shows that a majority of criminals actually obtained their firearms illegally. This bill does nothing to stop that.
RED FLAG LAW – This bill could easily be turned into a Red Flag law if the legislature were to end up in the wrong hands. It’s most likely one of the reasons proponents of Red Flag laws support this legislation and didn’t bother putting in a separate Red Flag bill this year.
Red Flag laws have been pushed in New Hampshire for the past several years by Bloomberg’s group ‘Everytown for Gun Safety.’ Each time, the laws have been rightfully rejected by the legislature or vetoed by former Governor Sununu.
A majority of the legislators who support HB 159 and SB 144 are those who Bloomberg supports, and vice versa. It is NOT a coincidence.
Why the urgency?
Governor Ayotte already said, last September, that she would support this gun confiscation bill if it came across her desk. Ayotte has not been a strong 2nd Amendment supporter throughout her career, which is why it is critical these bills are killed in both the house and senate.
What can you do?
SHOW UP at the hearing. You don’t have to testify. You can sign in and show your opposition by being there. The gun control crowd REALLY WANTS this bill to pass. They spent over $1 MILLION to push gun control last session. YOUR presence helps negate their out-of-state money. Showing up for this hearing is probably MOST important, if possible.
CALL and EMAIL the Senate Judiciary Committee. You can reach the individual Senators below. You can also email the entire committee here: Email Entire Committee. You can also call the main committee number and tell them you are against this legislation – (603) 271-4063.
Senator | Phone | |
Bill Gannon (R) | William.Gannon@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3077 |
Daryl Abbas (R) | Daryl.Abbas@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3077 |
Sharon Carson (R) | Sharon.Carson@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3266 |
Tara Reardon (D) | Tara.Reardon@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3091 |
Debra Altschiller (D) | Debra.Altschiller@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-7875 |
SIGN IN online opposing the bill. Public comments end at 11:59 PM the day of the hearing so be sure to sign in in OPPOSITION before that time –

If you have ANY questions at all, please email info@wdlnh.org. We will help you write testimony if you’re interested; help you walk through signing in online if you need it and be available on the day of the hearing at the State House.