URGENT – EXTREMELY Important Gun Control Hearing
The MOST important gun control hearing of the year will be coming up next week in the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee.
On Tuesday, April 16th at 2:00 PM, the Judiciary Committee will hear arguments on House Bill 1711. The hearing will take place in room 100 at the State House.
What is HB 1711?
The proposed legislation targets gun owners. If a gun owner has a mental health crisis and a court requires them to be committed, their firearms will be confiscated.
If someone is so dangerous to themselves or others that they are committed to a mental health institution, WHY are they being let out before they are well again? WHY are they being let out if they are NEVER well again? These people are IN the hospital, they have already lost all freedoms. What is the necessity in confiscating firearms they don’t have access to?
**People with mental illness are more likely to be victims of crime rather than commit crimes.**
No other potential ‘weapons’ are confiscated from a person who is adjudicated to a mental hospital (VERY similar to Red Flag Laws).
NO laws will have been broken by the gun owners this legislation applies to. People intent on harming themselves or others, WILL DO SO, regardless of the law.
The sponsors are IGNORING the real issues of mental health and violent behavior and how to address that. It’s much easier to attack gun owners than to fix an incredibly broken system, that was broken by the government.
IMAGINE what Democrats would do if they gained control of the legislature and corner office were this bill to pass? They could easily turn this into just a ‘regular’ Red Flag law.
Who Sponsored HB 1711?
This is one of the most draconian gun control bills that has ever been pushed by a Republican in the history of New Hampshire. Representative Terry Roy is the main sponsor of the bill. His reasoning is emotional because an unarmed former law enforcement officer was killed while working as a security guard at the state mental institution (Roy is also former law enforcement). A huge ‘red flag’ is that this bill is co-sponsored by one of the biggest gun control pushers in the legislature, David Meuse.
Meuse is one of the NH Democrats who went to Biden’s White House to learn more about gun control they could pass in New Hampshire. It’s unfortunate some Republicans decided to help him in that effort.
Another ‘red flag’ against this legislation is that the ATF supports it. The sponsors supposedly worked with the ATF. If there is one federal organization that can NEVER be trusted by gun owners or 2nd Amendment supporters, it’s the ATF.
Who Supports HB 1711?
The majority of support for this bill has come from gun control proponents. No true 2nd Amendment supporters, upholding their Oath of Office to protect Granite Staters’ 2nd Amendment rights, voted for this legislation in the house:

What can you do?
SHOW UP at the hearing. You don’t have to testify. You can sign in and show your opposition by being there. The gun control crowd REALLY WANTS this bill to pass. They’ve spent over $1 MILLION to push gun control this session. YOUR presence helps negate their out-of-state money.
CALL and EMAIL the Senate Judiciary Committee members. CALLING to let them know your opposition is EXTREMELY important. The person who takes the call will write down how many people are opposed. That number is kept track of whereas emails are not. Emails MAY get to the senators, so they are still important. You can reach the senators below:
Name | Email Address | Phone |
Daryl Abbas (R) | Daryl.Abbas@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-4151 |
Sharon Carson (R) | Sharon.Carson@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3266 |
Shannon Chandley (D) | Shannon.Chandley@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3092 |
Bill Gannon (R) | William.Gannon@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3077 |
Rebecca Whitley (D) | Becky.Whitley@leg.state.nh.us | (603) 271-3092 |
SIGN IN online opposing the bill – https://gencourt.state.nh.us/remotecommittee/senate.aspx:

If you have ANY questions at all, please email info@wdlnh.org. We will help you write testimony if you’re interested; help you walk through signing in online if you need it, and be available on the day of the hearing at the State House.